Friday, November 24, 2006

I finally have a new haircut!! Thank you so much simeng! And Uncle and Auntie Lin!!! Haha. It's really great as the hairstylist understood I didn't like the japanese style too much and he himself preferred the London fashion. I thought I would never be able to find a hairstylist who favours london over japanese cut after Juno. I have ash brown hair now. I told Ronald( the hairstylist) I wanted a chocolate brown and so he showed me the colour chart and explained how the colours would become after it fades. Plus, he kept asking me to cut my short as I had a nice headshape, very unlike the flat asian ones. I was even asked to shave my head bald! Lol, somehow that reminds me of my mother and her requests of me getting a mohawk or a shaved head... I suppose I was pretty lucky to get him. Oi was saying because I told another guy I didn't want a magazine with all japanese styles (the poor dude had difficulty finding an angmoh-ish hairstyle mag), which was why he came over to talk to us.

Oi's hair is really funky now. Short and pixie style, dyed light copper. Alex is super cute now! With straight bangs, the ones I wanted but couldn't get as my hair doesn't stick to my head. She looks like a doll with her big eyes and striaght bangs. I think when her new hair has grown and the rebonding isn't so stick straight, she would look great.
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Once again, thank you Lins!
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This is what my dear twin said after I showed her this photo of my new hair.
` says:
anw next time i wanna cut my hair i'll drag you along and point to your head
muse for a nightmare says:

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